Retard. Only a couple weeks ago I was called an "effing retard". When school is in session I hear it constantly, "that's retarded". Would you go up to a person with down syndrome and call them a retard? If you would, please delete me from your friend list A.S.A.P. For, I don't want to be associated with someone like you. Just because someone is mentally challenged doesn't mean they're stupid. They understand completely that the word retarded is being used in a condescending way. Some of you may have heard of the cause on Facebook, Spread the Word to End the Word. For those of you who haven't heard of it, please take time to read at least one story. It just may change how you think and, most importantly, what you say in public.
Spread the Word to End the Word
Gay. "That's so gay". I've heard straight people use this word. I've heard gay people use this word. Recently a woman visiting Dollywood was wearing a shirt that read "Marriage is so gay". She was asked to turn it inside out. I suppose I see both sides. I'm merely speculating here. She was probably wearing the shirt because she is proud and secure with who she is. However, Dollywood is a family place, and though I don't have children, I really wouldn't want them reading it and exclaiming that other things are "so gay". I realize the shirt was poking fun, but this is how phrases get carried on. If it's ok for one person to say it then it should be ok for any other. What if it were a shirt being worn by a heterosexual that read "Cats are so gay", "Wine is so gay"? I'm sure, like myself, you'd assume that they are homophobic and probably give them the stink-eye.
N-word. The number one word I loathe. I don't care WHO says it, they just need not to. It's a nasty word. I hear it thrown around so frequently in a college, a place of higher learning. My very first friend, who happen to be black, left our elementary school because she was being bullied by some of the kids. It was, without a doubt, racially motivated bullying. Tormentors. It didn't stop there. In my high school I heard it all the time. Bunch of kids saying they'd be going "coon hunting" this weekend. I remember specifically watching Moby Dick in an English class. When the cabin boy, who was black, died I heard one classmate say this to another- "one less for you to kill, eh Robert?" Right there I told them if I hear anything like that again I would turn them in for harassment. You know what his reply was, "I have black friends". With which I reply, "Go say that to one of them then". I really don't care what people like that think of me.
I don't think words should "belong" to any certain group of people. If a word is hateful, don't use it. There are millions of words in the English language, alone. Can we not use other words to get our points across?
Because I am who I am, here is a list of movies that I found to touch on certain elements of what was brought up here today.
Today's sweatpants brought to you by Blu Chic.
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